Hypnotherapy in the Management of Asthma
“Following a brief history of the use of hypnosis in the management of asthma, hypnotherapy with 20 ambulant non-hospitalised patients is described. Of the 7 females and 13 males, 11 had an excellent response, 5 a good response.”
– American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
*Results may vary
Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma
“The efficacy of hypnotherapy in aborting acute asthmatic attacks was studied in 17 children ranging in age from six to 17. All had as their primary diagnosis bronchial asthma. Prior to hypnotic induction pulmonary function was assessed, then monitored in the immediate post hypnotic period and at two intervals thereafter. The average improvement for all subjects was greater than 50% above the baseline measurement as documented by spirometry, monitored dyspnea, wheezing and subjective ratings by the subjects. It is suggested that hypnotherapy may be an important tool in ameliorating asthma, improving ventilatory capacity and promoting relaxation without recourse to pharmacologic agents. One explanation offered is that hypnosis affects an automic response, thereby diminishing bronchospasm..”
– Annals of Allergy
* Results may vary
Skin Reactions to Histamine of Healthy Subjects after Hypnotically Induced Emotions of Sadness, Anger, and Happiness

What you will receive…
Personalized hypnotherapy sessions in a relaxing, judgement free atmosphere so that you can quiet your mind and connect with the positive suggestions which will assist you in unleashing yourself from the issues arising from asthma and allergies.
A recording of the initial session so that you can support and strengthen your hypnotherapy at home.
Tools that you will be able to utilize to manage triggers as you go through treatment.
An opportunity to save 10% while you focus on enjoying activities an improving your quality of life.